
Scientific Name:Oreosyce  
Vernacular Name:Umwishwa, Umucyuro
Family name :Umwishwa, Umucyuro
Geographic Distribution:: mountain forest, secondary forest in altitude, 3000 m’

Botanical Description

Prostrate creeper or climber with simple tendrils. Stems, petioles and tendrils with rough  backwardly pointed , bristly hairs. Leaves up to 10x 9.5  cm, triangular, to broadly ovate in outline, uhairs on both surfaces, unlobed or fairly, shallowly 3 (5) lobed, more or less densely covered in 

bristly hairs on both surfaces, especially on the veins; lobes usually triangular; margins with small sinuate teeth; petiole 2.5- 11.5 cm long. Flowers unisexual on the same plant, up to 1-2 cm  in diameter, pale yellow. Male flowers  in 3-6-flowered axillary clusters.  Female flowers solitary on pedicels 3-10 mm long; ovary densely bristly hairy. Fruit ovoid to ellipsoid, 1.5-2.7 cm long, tuberculate, usually with a short beak, green or yellow.

Medicinal Use

Leaf of Oreosyce africana has a mosquitocidal activity against  adult anopheles arabiensis, the principal malaria vector. It is used by Kayiranga Mussa in the treatment of rheumatism and infections


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