
Scientific Name:Zehneria scabra   
Vernacular Name:Umwishwa; umushishiro.
Family name :Cucurbitaceae.
Geographic Distribution:Mountain forest, regrowth forest, gallery foorest, savanna, swamp, fallow, 1600- 3000 m.

Botanical Description

Herbaceous  perennial creeping plant up to 6 m long, spindly stem pubescent while young, striate, leaves , simle, entire, margin  slightly toothed, lamina membraneous, simple tendrils. Inflorescence arranged ioresn umbel like of 2-10 flowers . Globulous fruit.

Medicinal Use

The plant powder is used as curative agent of headache and stomachache when applied externally. Shoot paste also cures skin rashes. The roots extract of zehneria scabra  has an antibacterial activity.

In surrounding countries, roots  of Zehneria scabra are used for abdominal pains. The ash from the burnt plant are applied to burns as a remedy.  A wash prepared from a pounded leaves is used to treat calves for fleas, and for treating human skin rashes.

Other Use

used in ancientwedding ceremonies.

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