
Euphorbia grantii

Scientific Name:Euphorbia grantii  
Vernacular Name:Amadwedwe
Family name :Euphorbiaceae.
Geographic Distribution:Savanna, but frequently cultivated alongside of roads and around houses; 1300 – 1700m

Botanical Description

A thicket to a small shrub, of 1-4 m of height, with abundant white latex; and succulent , glabrous branches. The leaves are sessile, alternate, ascendant without stipules. The leaf blade is  two sided glabrous, linear- lanceolate or a strap shaped, acute or pointed at the apex and has 15 – 3o cm long and 1 – 2.5 wide.Terminal Cymose inflorescence made up of umbellar solitary cyathiums that bear 4 big glands in fan shaped.

Medicinal Use

In northern Rwanda it heales poison and intestinal worms.

In Uganda, the cutting of the stem and incubate it  in hot ash the sap and then the milky warm sap is squeezed into the aching ears. Also using for treating snake bite. The fresh milky sap is also applied to wounds and especially to fresh cuts where it causes blood clotting and hence stops further bleeding. The root are used an emetic in case of suspicion of poisoning.


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