
Ricinus communis

Scientific Name:Ricinus communis   
Vernacular Name:Ikibonobono
Family name :Euphorbiaceae.
Geographic Distribution:Cultivated in Rwanda for iits seeds that give an engine oil.

Botanical Description

Ricinus communis is an erect annual plant 1-3 m tall. The stem may be green or reddish and have many leaf scars; they become hollow when mature, Leaves also have long hollow stalks and  large laminae 10- 75 cm across with 5 – 11 lobes and saw teeth margins. Flowersbunches appear  at the top of the plant and consist of unisexual flowers; yellowish male flowers at the base and green, spiny female flowers on top. Fruits are dark brown  when ripe and consist of three chambers containingnthree seeds.. The seeds contain 35 -55 per cent oil.


Medicinal Use

 They extract from  the seeds an oil  used in pharmacy, toxicology, and in  mechanic.The oil from the Seed is purgative. There is also an insecticide extracted from  the leaves.  THe roots of the plant are chewed in case of infection by “guinea worm”. A decoction from the boiled roots is drunk to stimulate appetite, fro abdominal trouble , or mixed with an other plant for the treatment of venereal diseases. Stems and leaves are pounded and juice drunk for the treatment fot the ulcers, stomach-ache and diarrhea.  Young leaves are tied on the wounds to accelerate the healing. The crushed seeds are used to to oopen the bowels  as a cure for afterbirth bleeding.


Other Use

Agroforestry, pole, for banana support, Ornemental tree.

Other Plants