
Scientific Name:Fabaceae  
Vernacular Name:Umukunde
Family name : Fabaceae
Geographic Distribution:Wasteland, thickets, between 1000 – 2000m above sea level. Panthropical

Botanical Description

Shrubby plant 3-5 m tall. The leaves are pinnate with three leaflets . Racemose inflorescence in terminal panicles.  6-10  yellowish flowers on a shot axis. The fruit are linear oblong pods.


Medicinal Use

The concoction of leaves is used to cure gonorrhea, pneumonia and female sterility. In Uganda, people use Cajanus cajan to cure wounds. The stems of the plant are dried, burnt, ground and applied to wounds and scalds. Stalks are chewed to alleviate toothache. The plant is used by witch doctoes to counteract witchcraft. A decoction of the root is drunk to promote diarrhea which is believed to expel from the body toxic substances produced by witchcraft.

The cooked fruits of Cajanus cajan are  used as an aphrodisiac.

Other Use

The seeds are eaten like beans.TheFruitsand leavesare an excellent fodder for the livestock. Constrction of hedge.


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