Scientific Name :Dalbergia lacteal
Vernacular Name :Umuhashya, Umuheza
Family name :Umuhashya, Umuheza
Geographic Distribution :Margins and clearings in montane forest, 1900-2450 m.
Botanical Description
Small tree or shrub, up 3-9 (-25) m tall, sometime scandent, oung branches brownish-tomentose. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, up to 13-30 cm long, stipules oblong, pointed, 0.5-0.6 cm long, lamina with 6-8 (-10) lateral leaflets, oblong imitazioni orologi or oblong-elliptic, rounded or emarginated at apex, cuneate at base, 4-9 cm long and 2-2.5 wide. Inflorescence a panicle on leafy branches, up to 40-50 cm long, axes with dark brown felty tomentom. Flowera white flushed mauve or purplish, corolla up to 1 cm long. Fruit an oblong pod upp to 10-15 cm long.
Medicinal Use
In Rwanda, leaves and stems are uused by healers to treat heamorrhoids, the leaves are furthermore used against cough. In East African countries, the leaves and roots are used for abdominal pains. Roots used externally for rheumatism, or boiled with those of another tree, the liquid is used for bathing skin diseases.