
Scientific Name:Tephrosia vogelii   
Vernacular Name:Umuruku, Umurukuruku
Family name :Fabaceae
Geographic Distribution:Panthropical

Botanical Description

Little  erected shrub of 1-4 m tall. Stem covered with a tomentum of whitish or fawnish  {pale brown color) hairs. Imparipinnate (13-25 folioles) leaves with pubescentstipules. Dansed Racemose inflorescence  of 10 cm long. White or mauve violet flowers. hung or spread Pods of 8-13 cn covered with a  woolly mauve, russet tomentum.

Medicinal Use

has ichthiotoxin compound that is toxic to fish; the leaves produces medicines against cough and dehydratation.  Leaf decoction is used in the treatment of  scabies and yaws. Roots decoction is used in the treatment of constipation.


Other Use

Improves soil content in nitrogen.

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