
Scientific Name:Leucas deflexa   
Vernacular Name:Akanyamapfundo
Family name :Akanyamapfundo
Geographic Distribution: clearings, understory and margit, 1400-2400 m.

Botanical Description

Erect sparsely branched Herh up to  100 cm tall, Stems ribbed hairy.Leaves opposite, elliptic-oblong to ovate, up to 11 cm, hairy on both surfaces; margin crenate serrate except near the base. calyx deflexed, swollen at the base  and toothed. Flowers in 1-4 spaced, subterminal many flowered spherical heads. Corolla up to 7 mm long, 2-lipped; upper lip transparent’ lower lip white notched. Anthers orange.

Medicinal Use

compounds.The plant is used in traditional medicine to cure  many diseases such as cough, cold, diarrhea, and inflammatory skin disorder . A variety of phytoconstituents have been isolated the Leucas species, which include lignans, flavonoids, coumarins, steroids, terpenes, fatty acids, and alphatic long chain compounds. In Western Province of Rwanda, Leucas deflexa crushed leaves macerations are used to stabilize the blood pressure and alleviate the effect of hypertension(Mitali Emmanuel, Rutsiro district).  This treatment is shared by Gafaranga Daniel in Kigali city. However, Gafaranga added Leucas deflexa leaves macerations are also used to  treat of muscles  diseases and pneumonia

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