Scientific Name:Melissa officinalis Vernacular Name:Citronelle, baume, melisse officinale, herbe citron. Family name :Lamiaceae Geographic Distribution:cultivated.
A perennial herbaceous plant is 1-3 m tall, branching occasionally to frequently with ascending to erect leafy stems. The stems are light green, 4-angled, single-furrowed alond their sides and glabrous to finely hairy,
Mellissa has an admirable virtue to alter melancholy,be it steepedin our ordinary drink, extracted, or otherwise taken.
Often said to help ease stress, lemon balm contains rosmarnic acid ( a chemical compounds with antioxidant properties. The herb is also used for insominia, cold sores, high cholesterol, genital herpes, indigestion, and heartburn. The scent of lemon balm is used to reduce stress.
used as a flovoring in ice cream ,etc.