
Plectranthus laxiflorus

Scientific Name:Plectranthus laxiflorus   
Vernacular Name:Icyagara
Family name :Lamiaceae
Geographic Distribution:Understory of mountain forest, alongside of trails 1700- 2800 m.

Botanical Description

Plectranthus laxiflorus is  a branched, climbing, perennial plant with ascending to spreading stems that form roots at the lower nodes. The stem may become more or less woody and perist . The plant grows up 70- 150 cm tall, but with support, it can reach 4 m high.


Medicinal Use

A decoction of the root is used for iintestinal disorders. The leaves are chewed

and believed to make one feel fresh and strong. In East Africa they use  the plant as abortifacient, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, odontaligic, purgative and stomachic. An infusion  of the roots is used as a mouthwash to treat loose and bleeding teeth and other gum disorders.

Other Use

The crushed leaves and stems  are used  as an insect repellant to keep mosquitoes away.


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