Scientific Name:Prunus Africana Vernacular Name:Umwumba Family name :Umwumba Geographic Distribution:Montane forest 2000 – 3100 m
An evergreen tree of 25 m high with open branches and the outer bark is corrugated. The leaves are alternate, simple of 8-20 cm in length oval- elliptic with thick petioles of 1- 1.8 cm long provided with stipules. The inflorescence is made up with solitary or fascule of 3-4 racemes of 7-15 white flowers. The fruits are the drupes replica watches ukfake watches
Traditionally Prunus Africana stem bark decoctions are used for treating and managing chest pain, malaria and fever. The dull gray to brown bark is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia among males over 40 year’s old, erectible disfunction, urnary tract disorder, kidney disease, male baldness, stomac abset. The bark is also used in treating the stomachache and wound dressing. The leaves, an infusion of the leaves is traditionally used to improve appetite, treatment of genital infection and hirsutism (a condition of unwanted , male pattern hair growth) in women. It is also an aphrodisiac to enhance vitality and sexual power among the males.fake rolex uk
Scientific studies have shown that it has various bioactive substances such as Antiinflamatory, anticancer, antiviral, and antimicrobial effects. Some bioactive compounds identified in Prunus Africana are: triterpenes, sterols, coumarin, and flavonoids that have been known to have vital medicinal properties for the claimed health conditions
Used for producing timber and charcoal