Scientific Name:Salvia officinalis Vernacular Name:Sauge Family name :Lamiaceae Geographic Distribution:1400 -2400 m
Salvia officinalis ( sage ,or garden sage, or common sage) is a perennial, evergreen subshrub, with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. The aromatic leaves are simple, egg shaped,or long and narrow and become narrower in the direction of the stem where they are sometimes auriculate. The leaf edge is delicately toothed. The leaves are greenish to silver grey. On the upper side the young leaves are downy hairs and the elder leaves are mostly weinkled and hairless. The bright blue to typically buish purple flowers, with lipped corollas, form 6-10 whorls with 6-10 flowers, 4-8 of which are arranged alternatively one upon the other on the main shoots.
Production of salvianolic acid. The leaves of salvia offinalis are used by women and girls to soothe their menses. Used in ancient Egypt to treat stomach ailments, toothache and asthma. It was a remedy for itching beneficialeffects on menstruation.
Savory spice is produced from salvia; It is also knownforornamental purpose.