Scientific Name:Aloe latertia Vernacular Name:Igikakarubamba Family name :Igikakarubamba Geographic Distribution:savanna, 1300- 1600m
Aloe latertia is a succulent, evergreen, perennial plant producing a dense rosette of leaves that can be 25-50 and 5-10 cm wide at the base. The plant can be stemless, or especially in order plants with a stem up to 50 cm long. The plant has an erected thick, prickly leaves that contain a lot of water.The reddish flowers appear on a flower stem. It is an acaulescent succulent Aloe. The leaves are glossy, light green, becoming brow=green in the sun, The flowers are orange-red.
Laxative, vomitive, the juice of the plant is used as a purgative. The gel of aloe is an excellent cleanser and toner. Nsanzimana Azarias, a TMP uses aloe sp juices in the treatment of intestinal worms and skin diseases. In Kenya the leaf exudate is used for treating colds and malaria. The decoction of the leaves is taken to treat hepatitis. The leaves are applied to wounds and are used to treat chicken diseases. A liquid obtained by pounding the leaves is drunk to relieve stomach-ache.
Aloe is the chief ingredient aloedary a compound purgative medicine.