
Dissotis senegambiensis

Scientific Name:Dissotis senegambiensis   
Vernacular Name:Kamaramahano
Family name :Malastomataceaes
Geographic Distribution:humid zones 1300 -2400 m.

Botanical Description

Robust herb up to 80 cm tall, erect, stem pubescent opposite leaves, petole up to 5-7 cm long, lamina linear lanceolate , apex acute, base attenuate  densely covered with a whitish hairs. Leaf balde with gridlike veins. Inflorescence of  terminal panicle, seldom  solitary flowers.

Medicinal Use

In east Africa,the leaves of Dissotis senegambiensis are soaked in water and the infusion drunk for the treatment or prevention of a  magic disease whereby a pregnant women may have an abortion when in contact with a person with undesirable characteristics. The same leaf infusion is used in the treatment of a falling person, perhaps epilepsy. Pounded leaves rubbed on ringworm. The root decoction is drunk warm as a purgative, for the treatment of dysentery and stomach-ache.

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