Scientific Name:Albizia adianthifolia Vernacular Name: Umusebeya Family name : Umusebeya Geographic Distribution:Savanna, mountain foerest between 1000 -2200 m above sea level
It may become a big tree of 30 – 35 m tall while in mountain forest it reachs 10 -15 m high in isolate state. It is a fast growing tree with a tabular canopy which can spread over 18 m round. The leaves are shiny dark green with up to 12 pairs of leaflets; 1-2 cm long, almost rectangular, midrib diagonal, one outer corner rounded. Flowers are white or pale pink clusters. The fruit are the flatten pods 0f 10 -20 cm long.
In northern region of Rwanda, healers use the Albizia adianthifolia to treat poison and burns and wounds. Leaves of Albizia grandibractea are used togerter with Pentas lanceolata, Datura stramonium, and Capsicum frutescens to treat nerves related diseses (Uwimana Beatha).
In East Africa, bark extract feature in treatment of fevers such as malaria. Crushed pods are used to relieve stomachache. Crushed roots are used to treat skin diseases. Powdered bark is taken as kind of snuff for headaches and an infusion is used to treat inflammation of the eye.s
Improving the soil with fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.To supply shed in coffee plantation Supply firewood and the flowers are melliferous.