
Leucaena leucocephala

Scientific Name:Leucaena leucocephala   
Vernacular Name:Losena
Family name :Mimosaceae
Geographic Distribution:Cultivated in most area of Rwanda to fight against Erosion.

Botanical Description

Shrub or tree which may reach 5 – 220 m of height. Simpervirent leaves which shut while it is warm, bepinnate with oblong – lanceolate folioles. Presence of a gland at the  first two leaflets. Reddish or white flowers. Flatten pods.

Medicinal Use

In northern Rwanda, the seeds and the leaves  are used  to produce a medicine that curesStomachache.  In East African countries, a decoction of the roots  is taken as a remedy of chest pains. It is also for magical purposes. The roots are burned and the aash is rubbed into cuts on hands and face as a kind of protection against misfortunes.

Other Use

Fodder for animal, Green manure, support the talus,  Improving the soil, support

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