
Acacia sieberiana

Scientific Name:Acacia sieberiana   
Vernacular Name:Umunyinya
Family name : Mimosaceae
Geographic Distribution:savanna 1300 - 1800 m

Botanical Description

A tree of 20 m tall and 70 cm of diameter;  with erect , thorny stipules often persistent on the leafless branches. Stretched canopy. Pinnate leaves, pairs of leaflets  narrowly oblong. Fall of leaves in dry season white flowers to yellow gathered in capitula. The fruits are erect flattened pods.

Medicinal Use

The leaves and barks are used in producing medicines against diarrhea, impotence, snake’s bites, purulent wounds. In east African countries, they use  it when a child has fever. Pound the bark of the root, add coid water, and then give it to the child to drink, and wash the child in it twice  a day. The  decoction of the root is also drunk as a medicine for stomach-ache.

Other Use

Improvement of the nitrogen of the soil, firewood,  productionof gomme and tannin.

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