Scientific Name :Brillantaisia cicatricosa
Vernacular Name :Ikirogora
Family name :Ikirogora
Geographic Distribution :Swampy and moistened area in Mountain forest 1900– 2400 m above sea level
Botanical Description
Bushy plant of 2 m tall with a glabrous ligneous squared stem thickened in the nodes. Leaves have petioles of 2-6 cm long, limb widely oval, elliptic near the inflorescence, pointed at the top. The leaf margin is irregularly toothed. The inflorescence is a loose panicle having a lot of glabrous or pubescent flowers. The fruits are a kind of capsule. 2024 Top Websites To Buy replica rolex watches Swiss automatic cheap Replica Watches at affordable prices for men and women.
Medicinal Use
It is used to make poisoned people vomiting. It chase the evil spirits away. Stomach ailments are treated by a mixture of medicinal plants including Brillantaisia cicatricosa (Mitali Emmanuel, Rutsiro district). 2024 New AAA+ Quality Omega Replica Watches UK :