
Polygonum nepalense Meissn.

Scientific Name:Polygonum nepalense Meissn.  
Vernacular Name:Buguru bw’inuma
Family name :Polygonacea
Geographic Distribution:Damp shsded situations ,1600 2200 m.

Botanical Description

Polygonum nepalense is an annual fleshy herb, prostated  to sub erect, stems simple or branched 15-45 cm high. Leaves  are alternate, ovate to elliptic, up to 5 cm long, often with a pair of dark blotches each side of the mid-rib. It grows in nitrogen rich soils, the pseudo stem are reddish. The lamina is  characteristically decurrent, causing the petiole to be wingrd, and auuriculate at the base.

Medicinal Use

A juice of roots is used in the treatment of fevers. A paste of the root is used as a poultice on fresh wounds.

Other Use

The leaves and seeds are edible. The squeezed plants is used for washing clothes.


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