
Rheum officinale Bail

Scientific Name:Rheum officinale Bail  
Vernacular Name:Rhubarbe de chine
Family name :Polygonaceae
Geographic Distribution:Cultivated in our country.

Botanical Description

Rheum officinale is aperennial  herb growing to 2 m by 1.5 m.. It is hardy to zone. It is in flower  from june to july  and the seeds ripen from July to August. The species is hermaphrodite and is pollinated by wind.Herbaceous cultivated plant, having large leaves and long green reddish  fleshy leafstalks.


Medicinal Use

The root is taken internally in the treatment of chronic constipation, diaeeheoea, liver and gall bladder complaints, haemorrhoids, menstrual problems and skin eruptions due to an accumulations of toxins. This remedy is not prescribed for lactant 0r pregnant women, nor for patients with intestinal obstraction. The dried rhizome and roots of Chinese rhubarb or rheum officinale are used as laxative and purgative. The root and underground stem (rhizome) of rhubarb  are used primarily for digestive complaints , including constipation diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain, gastrointestinal bleeding, and preparation of certain GI procedures. It has besides, Anticholesterolemic, antiseptic, antispasmodic; antitumor, aperient’ astringent, cholagogue, diuretic, stomachic, tonic properties.

Other Use

They manufacture jam with its leaf petioles.

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