
Clematis hirsuta

Scientific Name:Clematis hirsuta   
Vernacular Name:Umunkamba
Family name :Umunkamba
Geographic Distribution:Clearing in mountain forest, bush, gallery forest, 1300-2200 m.

Botanical Description

Liana which hang to other plant  with its petioles and foliole axis.The petioles, and folioles have 10-15 cm long. Branche stems, leaves and inflorescence are longitudinally striate  and covered with many soft hairs. The leaves are imparipinnate with 2-3 (4) pairs of opposite folioles. The leaf blade is oval, cordate at the base. The stems, the leaves and floral buds are covered with silver to grey hairs. Flower white to whitish-pink, tepals 4, 0.8-2.2cm long, pubescent. Fruits with numerous small nuts. Style hairy.

Medicinal Use

The infusion from the leaves is drunk for the treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, and sore throat. The infusion from the roots is used for treating yaws.Roots are also used to make broth which is taken as a remedy for malaria, however, its causes diarrhea and acts as purgartive. Mitari Emmanuel uses the plant (roots) to treat the pounding headache in combination with Biophycum helenae whole plant. To clear a stuffy nose, the flowers  are sniffed, which causes sneezing. The fresh roots when crushed  have a strong pungent smell according to the gikuyu, this is known to the elephants who use its roots to clear  their trunks when suffering from colds in the head. It is also used for headache and cold in the head.

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