
Citrus sinensis

Scientific Name:Citrus sinensis   
Vernacular Name: Icunga
Family name :Rutaceae
Geographic Distribution:Cultivated in our country

Botanical Description

It is a sweet orange. The size varies accoding to the way it is  grown. Grafted or not,  size varies from small trees up to 5 m high.The leaves are mostly shiny glabrous,often fairly dark green, oval in shape and with winged petioles, The branches are often thorny.

Medicinal Use

Citus sinensis is used for indigestion { the primary indication is to relieve the heartburn), sturbborn coughs and anal and uterine prolapses, also for treating shock in higher doses. Orange peel extract has improved the  of the blood through the heart and cerebral tissue.  The fruit juice is useful in treatment of bilious affection and bilious diarrhea. The fruit rind is carminative and tonic. The fresh rind is rubbed on the face as a cure for acne. The dried peel is used in the treatment of anorexia,colds,coughs etc.


Other Use

edible fruit

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