
Scientific Name:Dodonea viscosa   
Vernacular Name:Karemberwa, Umusasa.
Family name :Sapindaceae
Geographic Distribution:Wooded embankment (talus), thickets, Mountain forest 1400- 2450 m.

Botanical Description

Bushy shrub or small tree  of 2- 10 m high The branches are angular and produce a resin. The leaves  are simple and arranged in spiral. The fruits are winged capsules.



Medicinal Use

The roots are boiled in water,and the decoction given to cows to bring on or incease milk production. The same drug is used  by the women either fresh either fresh pr boiled to stimulate milk production after childbirth. The leaves are pounded and ssteeped in cold water and the strained extract drunk to stop diarrhea. The leaves are also used as a styptic.

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