
Brucea antidyssenterica

Scientific Name:Brucea antidyssenterica   
Vernacular Name:Umushyiguri
Family name :Umushyiguri
Geographic Distribution:: Adapted to sclerophyllous forest, wasteland , 2000 – 2200m above sea level.

Botanical Description

Shrub or small tree of 3 -6 m high , with pubescent  branches, densely pubescent leaves provided with petioles  and foliar axes of 15 – 60 cm long. Inflorescencesin spike shaped panicle.

Medicinal Use

it cures dysentery. Used by Ayinkamiye TMP in the Eastern province of Rwanda to treat poisoning.  In East African community, roots and leaves are cooked with meat to cure stomach-ache and indigestion, It is also a remedy for asthima. Powdered leaves mixed with the ghee is an excellent remedy for  leprosy, skin diseases, and wounds Boiled root decoction is used for abdominal pain and dysentery. A decoction is also given to cattle to prevent bloat.


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