
Brugmansia suaveolens Synonym: Datura suaveolens

Scientific Name:Brugmansia suaveolens Synonym: Datura suaveolens  
Vernacular Name:Ikibutibuti, Angel’s trumpet, moon flower
Family name :Solanaceae.
Geographic Distribution: Panthropical

Botanical Description

 A multi-stemmed shrub or a small tree that reaches 3-5 m in height, with strong woody stems. It has large, pendent, trumpet-shaped flowers and makes an excellent ornamental. The leaves are ovate-oblong;velvety, taperingtip; often white and downy underneath, 15-30 cm long. Flowers, huge, pendant, musk-scented, about 25 cm long, pure white at first but mellowing to cream with age, single or double forms.s



Medicinal Use

The plant is highly poisonous. IN Rwanda, it is used to treat mental disorder; in Mexico, the leaves are smoked and the flowers are ued to treat asthma.

Other use: In Rwanda it is an ornamental shrub. IN East Africa, it is popular for hedging and as an isolated lawn specimen.        


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