
Datura stramonium

Scientific Name:Datura stramonium   
Vernacular Name:Rwiziringa.
Family name :Solanaceae
Geographic Distribution:waste ground, fallow, road sides, 1400- 2000 m.

Botanical Description

 It is an erect annual herb forming a bush up to 1-1,5 m tall. The leaves are soft, irregularly  undulate, and toothed. The fragrant flowers are trumpet-shaped, white to creamy or violet, and 6.5 to 9 cm long. The root is long ,thick, fibrous, and white. The stem is stout, erect; leafyyyy, smooth, and pale and pale yellow-green to reddish purple in color.



Medicinal Use

Rwandan traditional healers sad that Datura stramoniumProduces hallucinogen substances.  Infusion of leaves is used to treat mental disorder.   In east African countries, The mature gren fruit of this plant is buried in hot ash until the inside of this fruit gets very hot . It is then removed and the hole made and the fruit is let to cool. After cooling down, it is squeezed and the juice put in a seriously aching ear. The leaves are used as politices for rheumatism and other swellings. The seeds are known to be highly poisonous, but they can be mixed with the leaves, dried, ground, mixed with the ghee and used for the treatment of ringworm. In general , the plant should be useg with great care because of its toxicity.


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