
Discopodium penninervium

Scientific Name:Discopodium penninervium   
Vernacular Name: Ikijojo
Family name :Solanaaceae
Geographic Distribution:: Secondary forest in mountain forest, 2000 – 3000 m.

Botanical Description

Shrub  or a little tree that can reach 3.5 – 6 m of height. Young leaves slightly fleshy, and the old ones with a hollow stem.Alternate leaves, with petioles of 1-5 (8) cm long. The leaf blade is 10-25 cm long and 3-10 cm wide, elliptic to elliptic oblong, the margins are entire, waved,serrated and pubescent at the inferior face, glabrous at the upper face. Yellow flowers, and yellow fruits.

Medicinal Use

The most frequently used  and mentioned part are the flowers, which carry anthelmintic properties, and are used against intestinal parasites (e,g. tapeworms)

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