
Physalis peruviana

Scientific Name:Physalis peruviana   
Vernacular Name:Impuhu, Iperri
Family name :Solanaceae
Geographic Distribution: Panthropical

Botanical Description

Herbaceous plant which form a kind of procumbent  bush ot 70 cm tall. The leaves are  pubescent, simple, entire, two on the same axis. The  flowers, one by one are in the leaves axis. The fruits are berries.

Physalis peruviana is also called cape groooseberry. It is an evergreen perennial plant producing a cluster of branched stems, the stems becom more or less woody especially at the base, andgrow 50-2oo m high. Leaves are nearly opposite, heart shaped , velvety, randomly toothed, pointed, leaves of 6-15 cm long and 4-10 cm wide. Flowers ar bell shaped,formed in the leaf axils. It is yellow colored along with dark purple- brown spots within the throat, and cupped by purplish-green hairy calyxThe fruits are a minor, somewhat luxiry, food  sometimes sold. The fruit is a subglobose berry enclosed in bladderlike husk which become papery on maturity.



Medicinal Use

Healers from northern Rwanda use the leaves of Physalis peruviana to treat  intestinal worms. Scientific studies proved that It is a high in protein (16%) and has antihistamine (allergies), antiicarcinogenic (cancer), antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In folk medicine it has been used  for cancer, malaria , asthma,hepatitis, dermatis and  rheumatism. The leaf juice has been used in the treatment of worms and bowels complaints. The plant is diuretic.  A decoction of the calyces is used in the treatment of diabetes. Physalis peruvian is  vitamin B3 and iron rich fruit support for improvr eyesight, cardiovascular functions


Other Use

The berry  of Phsalis are refleshing. All parts of the plant except the fruit is poisonous.


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