Scientific Name:Tropaeolum majus Vernacular Name:Capsine,Gardennasturtium,Indian cress, nasturtium. Family name :Capsine,Gardennasturtium,Indian cress, nasturtium. Geographic Distribution:Panthropical
Glabrous, somewhat succulent annual or short-lived perennial herbs, stems usually climbing. Leaves peltate, orbicular replica borse or more or less angled, 4-15 cm wide, 9-nerved, lower surface papillose, margins entire to ondulate, petioles 10-30cm long or sometimes more. Flowers yellow, orange,reddish orange,or red, sometimes striped and spotted, 2.5-6 cm long, spur 2.5-3 cm long, straight or curved, the lower petalsdeeply fringed on the claw, apexof plants usually rounded.
Perennial Creeping herb, the leaves have a peltate petiole with a suborbicular leaf blade. The margin is sinuous. The flowers are purple –rose ; red –orange or red.
Tropaeolum majus has a great of medicinal use. It is used traditionally for chest cold, urinary tract infections, antiseptic and expectorant qualities, laxative, and stimulant properties. Tropaeolum majus L leaves and iboza liperia are combined in decoction by Nsanzimana Azzarias to treat the upper respiratory diseases. Nasturyium has long been used in Andean as a disinfectant and wound-healing herb, and as an expectorant to relieve chest conditions. Remedy for baldness It prevent hair from falling and to encourage growing( friction with the liquid resulting from an infusion with the herb to 2% or by applying the fluid extract to your hair.
ornamental plant.