
Scientific Name:Aloysia triphilla  
Vernacular Name:Verveine citronelle
Family name :Verbenaceae
Geographic Distribution:

Botanical Description

Aloysia triphylla commonly called lemon verbena is a perennial shrub or subshrub growing to 2-3 m tall. It produces shiny lanceolate green leaves of 8 cm long that have a strong aroma (without crushing) and taste of lemon. Leaves are opposite or in whorles of three ( hence the specific epithet),

Medicinal Use

An undervalued medicinal herb, lemon verbena contains a strong lemon scented essential oil that has calming and digestive qualities. A tea made from the leaves  has a delicious refleshing lemon flavor and is used mainly  in treating digestive disorders, such as flatulence, indigestion and acidity. The herb is also useful as stimulant for treating lethalgy or depression whilist it treat also feverish colds. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy in the treatment of nervous and digestive problems and also for acne, boils , and cysts.

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