
Scientific Name:Clerodendron johnstonii   
Vernacular Name:Umukondogoro; Umukumbuguru; Igikumbuguru.
Family name :Vrbenaceae
Geographic Distribution: is native from natural forest, but is olso found in the bushy forest, on the talus and forest galleries between 1700 – 2600 m above sea level.

Botanical Description

A shrub which may reach 2-6 m tall, sometimes it is a climbing woody vine. The branches are quadrangular denselt covered with tomentum and sometimes thorny. Opposite leaves or arranged by three. Cymose inflorescence densely bloomed grouped in abundant  terminal panicle. The fruits are drupes of 2 cm long.


Medicinal Use

Northern Rwanda traditional healers use Clerodendron Johnstonii to cure dysentery, the leaves are used to treat poisoning, abdominal colic and malaria. In India they use it to alleviate symptoms of diabetes, obesity and hypertension. In East Africa, the juice from pounded od chewed fresh leaves of Clerodendron johnstonii is taken as a remedy for abdominal pains or stomach troubles.

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