Scientific Name :Clerodendron rotundifolium
Vernacular Name :Ikiziranyenzi
Family name :Verbenaceae
Geographic Distribution : is found in fallow field area, on the talus, in the savanah,between 1300 -1800 m above sea level
Botanical Description
Bush of 1-2 m tall, with hollow branches densely pubescent with a tomentum. The leaves are opposite having petioles of 2-6 cm long covered with a tomentum. The leave limb is oval or round. The inflorescence is an axillary terminal cyme, The fruits are the drupes.
Medicinal Use
In Rwanda it is used to treat Intestinal worms.In Uganda It is used to cure tapeworms,cough and rheumatism.The leaves or the roots are boiled in water and the decoction is drunk as an anthelmintic for tapeworm. A decoction is also used to relieve headaches and cure coughs. Crushed roots are used as a poultice on boils and swellings, leaves are used as an abortifacient, whe roots are also used for the treatment of rheumatism.
Other Use
The stems are used to make drinking straws.