
Rhoicissus tridentata

Scientific Name:Rhoicissus tridentata   
Vernacular Name:Umumara
Family name :Umumara
Geographic Distribution:Savanna, Talus,Thicket 1350-1750 m.

Botanical Description

Vine or sarmentaceous shrub with pubescent young branches, but later becoming glabrous. The tendrils are thick. Triloliate leaves  with a petiole of 1.4-6 cm long,  foliole leaf blade  more or less incised and serrated in the half blade, pubescent to glabrous on the inferior face. Mediane foliole of 2-20 cm long with a oboval laminae  or in lozenge (Rhomb, rhombus or diamond shaped) of 4- 9 cm long and 3-6 cm wide,Inflorescence in rfalse umbel made up of cymes of 3-4 cm long with a peduncle sometimes prolonged in tendril.

Medicinal Use

The plant is used medicinally and the part of  plant used, is the tuberous rootstock. The tuberous rootstock is used for infertility, stomach, kidney and blader complaints, as well as dysmenorrheal (pain with menstruation).It is used also to treat the tick borne cattle disease, babesiosis. : Rhoicissus tridentata is used during the treatment of skin disease (Kayiranga Mussa) and the tubers are used for treatment of liver diseases (Mitali Emmanuel)

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