
Cyphostema cyphopetala

Scientific Name:Cyphostema cyphopetala   
Vernacular Name: Ikibombwe
Family name :Vitaceae
Geographic Distribution:

Botanical Description

Climbing herb with a tuberous root, stems striate, densely pubescent, tendrils present. Leaves digitately 3-5 foliolate, petiole of 4 cm long pubescent, leaflet-lamina 8x5.5 cm, obvate, broadly obvate, or elliptic oblong, apex ac

Medicinal Use

Antifungal activity, angina,   sore throat (gapfura), rhino-pharyngitis,

epiglotitis . In the northern region of Rwanda . The plant is used to treat   

poisoning. In Uganda, the leaves crushed and applied to itchy rash and

also used for enlarged plands.

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