Scientific Name:Emilia coccinea Vernacular Name:Agashomborankoko Family name :Asteraceae Geographic Distribution:wasteland in fallow field
Erect annual herb up to 120cm tall; stem pubescent in lower part, glabrous in upper part, or rarely glabrous throughout. Leaves alternate, simple, lower leaves shortly petiolate, blade spatulate to elliptical up to 12 cm x5 cm, median and higher leaves sessile, blade spatulate to lanceolate, up to x 6 cm. Inflorescence is a terminal head , 1-6 together in corymbs, involucral bracts (8) 13 (-21). Flower bisexual, regular, corolla tubular, yellow to orange. The fruits are achenes.
In Uganda, boiled roots decoction drunk three time a day for the treatment of syphilis. Leaves aare used for nose infections, for sores, and as a poltice. Leaves may also mixed of those of Ipomea eriocarpa, pounded, soaked in water and the liquid used as an eye drop for eye iinfections. In Tanzania eye inflammations are treated by applying a cold water compress of the bruised plant or by soaking leaves mixed with those of Ipomoea eriocarpa R. BR. in water, after which the infusion is used for eye drops. Crushed green leaves are used for wounds, sores, and sinusitis. Dried powdered leaves are also applied to sores. Roots and leaves are boiled and the decoction is used to treat syphilis. The roots are used totreat colic in babies in Tanzania.
In Kenya,Tanzania, and Malawi, Emilia coccinea is used as a vegetable. In Tanzania leaves are chopped and cooked alone or with pulses such as peas and beans. In Malawi the leaves are only occasionally eaten as a side dish, they are considered to have an unpleasant taste