Scientific Name:Solanecio manii Vernacular Name:Umutagara Family name :Umutagara Geographic Distribution:Mountain forest, savanna, 1300- 2700 m
Botany:Erect soft wood Shrub or small tree 1-8 (-10) m high, stems rather thich or succulent, tree with proeminent persistent leaf scars, branching in a dichotomous manner to form a rounded crown, trunk up to 15 cm in diameter, and with thin , smooth,grayish, or greenish bark. Leeves crowded towards the apex of the branches slightly succulent, obvate, oblanceolate, or elliptic, 10-55 cm long, 2-16 cm wide, attenuate into an exauriculate petoloid base, margins shallowly to prominently sinuate-serrate or sinuate-laciniate; apex acute, acuminate-apiculate, glabrous or pubescent to thinly gloccose especially on main veins aabove. Inflorescence is a corymb of capitula in terminal paniclessituated at the top of each branch. The fruits are achenes
In Rwanda, the leaves, when heated are used to cure sprains. It is used to verify if a patient has been poisoned. In Kigali, Kashangirwa Richard, a TMP uses preparations from Solanecio manii mixted with Grewia similis and Indarama (unidentified sp.) to treat pounding and not releasing headaches, infections (ifumbi) and for blood detoxification. In Uganda the roots are used as an anthelmintic, a purgative, and for dysentery and indigestion. In DR Congo, they use it to treat fungal disease.