
Markhamia lutea

Scientific Name:Markhamia lutea   
Vernacular Name:Umusave
Family name :Bignoniaceae
Geographic Distribution:Gallery forest, cultivated zone between 1300 – 1800 m above sea level.

Botanical Description

An upright evergreen  tree   with a narrow, irregular crown, usually 10-15 m in height.  Fairy branching  with lenticels. imparipinnate  (7-13 folioles) with a circular pseudostipulate leaves. Inflorescences are terminal panicles of 20 cm long. Bright yellow terminal clusters, trumpet shaped  with five frilly orange- red stripes in the float; buds furry, splitting on one sides. The fruits are longform capsulesof 35-80 cm long to 1-2 cm wide in a cluster, flat winged seeds.

Medicinal Use

IN Northern Rwanda , the leaves are used to treat stomachache. The leaves and the roots are used to produce medicines to curebronchitis,leprosy,cough and paludism. In East Africa the leaves are used in the treatment  of snakebites. Powdered bark forms part of a medicinal  compound taken for syphilis;  bark is cchewed to alleviate toothache.

Other use: cow litter. Woodcraft, pole for construction,melliferous flowers. The wood are termite resistant, tool handles

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