Scientific Name :Opuntia vulgaris
Vernacular Name :Figuier de barbarie, Indian figue.
Family name :Cactaceae
Geographic Distribution :Inhabited area, Garden, savanna, 1000 – 1900m.
Botanical Description
Erected bush of 2-4 m high, Succulent plant, very prickly with flattened obval racquets (Fleshy prickly leaves) of 10 – 30 cm long and 5 – 12 cm wide. Prickly fruit are edible. Flowers yellow orange, 22-30 mmm across; often tipped with red, petals and stamens are numerous. Fruit large egg, soft, green, covered with spiny bristles; fleshy and edible.
Medicinal Use
It has been used in folk medicine because of its role in treating a number of diseases and conditions, including diabetes, hypertention, hypercholesterolemic, rheumatic pain, gastric mucosa diseases and asthma.
Other Use
The fruit is often edible