Scientific Name :Caesalpinia decapetala
Vernacular Name :umufatangwe
Family name :Caesalpiniaceae
Geographic Distribution :Cultivated on the road longside, and frequented zones between 1000 – 2000 m.
Botanical Description
Liana, climbing or creeping tortuous shrub of 10 m tall. The stem and the branches are provided withrecurved thorns of 6 -10 mm long. Compound bipinnate leaves of 47 cm long with 8- 10 pairs of leaflets. Petioles and foliar axis are provided with hooked thorns often arranged by pair. Racemose inflorescence of 20 – 30 cm long. Yellow flowers, the fruits are oblong elliptic pods.
Medicinal Use
Leaves are used for the treatment of burns, biliousness and stomach desorders. Leaves and roots are also used as a purgative and emmenagogue. Other uses are as laxative, tonic, antipyretic, and carminative. The anti-oxydant, anti-tumor and anti-fertility activities of C. decapetala has been reported.
Other Use
Making fences around fields.