
Scientific Name:Cassia occidentalis   
Vernacular Name:Umuyoka, Umwicanzoka.
Family name :Caesalpiniaceae
Geographic Distribution:Panthropical, between 1000- 1800 m above sea level.

Botanical Description

Ligneous plant up to 2m tall. The stem is glabrous. Imparipinnate leaves of 25 cm long,  having a petiole provided with  a gros gland  near the leaf base. Racemose inflorescences made up of 2-4 flowers. Flatten, oblong pods provided with undulated walls.


Medicinal Use

A severe stomachache is treated by the roots of this herb. The roots are ground and mixed with water. The decoction is given to the patient in small quantities. After a couple of days the patient feels better. The roots are boiled and the solution is drunk for swollen testicules.  The vapor from boiled leaves cures fever, or rubbed directly on the body for fever. Leaves are also used for snake bite treatment and for kdney troubles. The seeds are used as a coffee substitute which has a purgative effect.

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