Scientific Name :Sambucus mexicanum
Vernacular Name :Ikidaliya
Family name :Ikidaliya
Geographic Distribution :Find in frequented area, alongside the road,1700 – 2400 m high.
Botanical Description
Shrub or a small tree reaching 2-7 m of height, abundant ramifications. Pinnate or double pinnate leaves; terminal inflorescence in corymb shaped panicle . The flowers are white.
Medicinal Use
an infusion of the blossoms has been used in the treatment oof upset stomachs, fevers, sore throats, colds and flu. A decoction of the root has been used in the treatment of constipation. Mitali E. uses Sambrucus mexicanum for the treatment of hypertension.
Other Use
edible flowers raw or cooked, fruit raw or cooked.