
Scientific Name:Catha edulis   
Vernacular Name:Mayirungi, Inembwe.
Family name :Celastraceae
Geographic Distribution:

Botanical Description

Catha edulis is an evergreen shrub or large tree with a dense crown, growing to 22 m taii, trunk is 1 m in  diameter. Leaves opposite narrowly elliptic, wavy margins,50- 110 x10-40 mm; crimson brown and glossy when young, becoming yellow-green and leathery with age, with even margin. Flowers small; white to creamy yellow; in small clusters.  Fruit; trilobed woody capsule, about 10 mm long; reddish brown when mature.

Narcotic tree  used as a stimulant of the body.

Medicinal Use

Cuttings of the youngest branches (suckers) are made and tied into bundles. The suckers are about 15-30 cm long. The consumers take one cutting at a time, remove the leaves and peel the green bark off which they chew. The liquid from the bark is swallowed and although it is mainly taken as a stimulant, making one feel elated and generally peaceful, it is nevertheless supposed to be an effective cure for malaria and coughs, A decoction from the roots is taken as a remedy for general body illness, one cup being sufficient. Leaves and roots are used for influenza, while roots aloneare uused for stomach troubles. A decoction of both the bark and the roots is used to treat gonorrhea. Leaves are chewed as a stimulant and to allay hunger and prevent sleep.

Other Use

They chew the leaves to get numbness. Catha chewing is an old tradition of  the African and Arabian culture.

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