
Chenopodium procerum

Scientific Name:Chenopodium procerum   
Vernacular Name:Umugombe
Family name :Chenopodiaceae.
Geographic Distribution:: Fallow field, secondary forest 1600- 2400 m above sea level;

Botanical Description

Annual herb up to 2 m or more high with  few or many branches, green or often strongly  red –tinged, glandular- pubescent all over, strongly aromatic.  Lower and median  leaves  elliptic or  or ovate-elliptic in outline, mostly 2.5- 14 cm long and 1-5.7 cm wide, acute at apex , pinnately divided each side into 3-5 more or less sharply toothed lobes, the lower lobes extending to near midrib. The upper  much shallower, and the top part of the leaf normally toothed but scarcely lobed, glands between veins on lower surface  shortly stalked. Inflorescence composed of dichotomously branched  axillary cymes , which are  usually aggregated into more or less leafy or nude  continuous cylindrical inflorescence.

Medicinal Use

 It cures stomach troubles from children, and treat diarrhea. In Ugannda, roots and leaves are used for headache, roots can also be boiled and the decoction drunk three times  daily  as a cure for constipation in children.

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